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Effects of abolition of slave trade

Effects of abolition of slave trade

  • The suppression of slave trade led to loss of independence that is to say, it confirmed among the Arabs and Swahilis that the Sultan had lost independence over the East  African coast, and that he was now a British puppet .
  • The suppression of slave trade led to development and growth of legitimate trade which provided equally profitable business to both Europeans and African traders. Many ship owners diverted   their ships from transporting slaves to transporting raw cotton and raw sugar from Brazil and America.
  • It accelerated the coming of European missionaries to East Africa who emphasized peace and obedience thus the later European colonization of East Africa.
  • Disintegration of the sultan Empire. This is because it loosened the economic and  political control which the sultan had over the East African nations .His empire in E.A. therefore began to crumble .This gave opportunity to other ambitious leaders like Tippu-Tip to create an independent state in Manyema ,where he began selling his ivory and slaves to the Belgians in Zaire.
  • The abolition of slave trade was a catalyst to the partition of East Africa where by Britain took over Kenya, Zanzibar and Uganda and Germany took over Tanganyika.
  • Slave trade markets were also closed foe example Zanzibar in 1873 following the frere treaty signed between Sultan Bargash and Bantle Frere.
  • Islam became unpopular as many converted to Christianity.
  • African societies regained their respect and strength as they were no longer sold off as commodities. 



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