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Positive effects
  • The Ngoni invasion led to the rise of outstanding leaders to prominence. These included Mirambo, Nyungu ya Mawe and Mkwawa, who used the Ngoni military tactics to build their states.
  • Many small Ntemi chiefdoms came together (united) and formed larger political units under strong leaders to fight the Ngoni e.g. Sangu and Hehe. (re-organization)
  • There was formation of new societies (tribes) like the Mbunga.
  • The Hehe under Mkwawa were able to resist the Germans.
  • There was spread of Ngoni customs and culture. e.g Initiation ceremonies where girls were taught sex education and circumcision.
  • It led to formation of a larger Ngoni society in E.Africa as they absorbed many people.
  • It led to formation of some societies by those who used Ngoni tactics e.g. Nyamwezi under Mirambo.
  • It led to introduction of new weapons e.g. Assegai, cowhides and shields.
  • From the Ngoni invasion, people learnt how to get organized from smaller disorganized societies, to well organized bigger political systems. These were to be under the control and leadership of organized, strong and efficient rulers such as the Sangu chief, the Hehe, e.t.c.
  • There were intermarriages between the Ngoni and Nyamwezi,which subsequently led to improved relationships between the invaders and indigenous peoples, and an increase in population.

Negative effects
  • They caused wide spread loss of lives leading to depopulation in some areas where they got warriors this was especially in southern Tanzania. This was due to the killing of people in the expansionist wars, e.g., the Mariti remnants of Rugarugas killed so many people.
  • They introduced military organization and tactics to such an extent that the Ngoni lost their superiority e.g. Holoholo were able to defeat the Tuta Ngoni when they re- attacked them.
  • Their movement led to widespread devastation, depopulation and displacement of people.
  • They destroyed the economy of the people of southern Tanzania when they grabbed their cattle. (The Ngoni were cattle plunderers). The Ngoni invasion led to poverty, i.e., it led to the creation of a class of poor people as their property continued to be destroyed and persistently looted during the wars.
  • The Ngoni led to formation of refugees who lived by plundering and killing i.e. the Mariti and Rugaruga who were later used by ambitious men like Mirambo, Nyunguyamawe to make their empires.
  • The Tuta Ngoni, on their movement northwards, disrupted the trade particularly between Tabora and Ujiji.
  • There was loss of peoples’ language, culture and customs (Detribalisation of people). i.e., The raids caused many people to become homeless and tribe less. This led to people losing their identity. In addition, such groups became terrorists who lived by war, plunder, and hunting for ivory. They included the “ Ruga-ruga” who began hiring their services as mercenaries to any chief willing to pay them.
  • Ngoni disturbance disrupted normal cultivation leading to famine. There was widespread famine due to the scotched-earth policy of fighting. This included destroying crops and houses by burning. Under such circumstances, crops could neither be planted nor harvested, and people were forced to abandon farming.
  • They led to insecurity since the new weapons and military tactics increased warfare and aggression in East Africa.
  • The Ngoni intensified slave trade in East Africa, this was because they displaced people from their homes and so making it easy for slave raiders to get them and sell them.
  • It led to increased war-fare among the African societies, including those areas that had been peaceful before.


At the end of the 19th century, Germany colonised Tanganyika. The Ngoni were one of the groups that fought hard against the Germans. But in 1907 all the Ngoni chiefs were hanged for fighting. Today the Ngoni have married into the tribes they conquered. It is now difficult to know who is Ngoni and who is not. But their traditions and way of life continue.
Sample Questions
1.a) Who are the Ngoni?
   b) Why did they leave their cradle land?
2 a) Describe the Ngoni movement and settlement in East Africa
b) Why were the Ngoni able to defeat the inhabitants of East Africa 
3. What were the effects of the Ngoni settlement on the people of East Africa


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