Communication Skills
Sentence Review
Def: A sentence is a group of words arranged to express a complete sense. Example:
- The girl is dancing in the room
- Do you want to read this book?
-There are five KINDS of sentences:
i. Assertive sentences
ii. Interrogative sentences
iii. Imperative sentences
iv. Exclamatory sentences
v. Optative sentences
i. Is a sentence that makes a statement or assertion. Example:
- I am learning grammar.
- Students are always busy.
- They are not doing well
- If you are angry, then I am sorry.
Is a sentence that asksa question. Examples:
- Who teaches you maths?
- Are you coming from home?
- Was he listening to the preacher
Is a sentence which contains some commands or request. Eg.
- Get out (order)
- Open the door (order)
- Please come here (order).
- Can you listen to me please? ( request)
Is a sentence which expresses some sudden feeling such as surprise, anger, joy, etc. EG.
- Oh! We have lost the match.
- How intelligent the boy is!
- Bravo! Keep it up.
Is a sentence which expresses a wish or a prayer. EG,
- May you live long!
- May God bless you!
- I wish you luck in your exams.
Sentences can be grouped into four main types:
a) Simple sentence
b) Compound sentence
c) Complex sentence
d) Compound-complex
• The subject is the part of a sentence that commonly indicates
– (a) what it is about, or
– (b) who or what performs the action
• A complete predicate consists of the verb and all accompanying modifiers
• Clause is a passage or sentence
• Dependent clause
• Independent clause
A simple sentence is the one which has only one independent clausewith a subjectand predicate. Eg,

i. I read a book
ii. Anne is a good girl
iii. That dog is sick
iv. Man is a social animal
Is a sentence which is made up of two or more independent clauses joined by coordinatingconjunction.
Note: Words like and, or, but, either … or, not only …
BUT ALSO indicates independent clause. Eg,
i. I tried to speak Kiswahili [i] and my friend tried to speak English [i]
ii. Mgosi played football, [i] so Mohamed went shopping [i]
iii. Tanzania is a rich country [i] but still it has many poor people[i]

v. Mr. Musa brought in his pet rabbit, [i] and he showed it to the class [i]
vi. You can put wings on a cow, [i] but you don't make it an eagle [i].
vi. Always go to other people's funerals; [i] otherwise, they won't go to yours [i]
Is a sentence which contains one independent clause and one or

i. When I went there [d],I found that [d] Jane was cooking [i].
ii. She got job [i] after completing her studies [d].

iii. Marwa told me [d] that he would marry me [i].
iv. When I received my salary [d], I went to Arusha [i] where my lover was situated [d]
v. I had stayed in Tanga for six months [i] when I received the news [d] that Juma had desired to see me [d]
vi. I believe [i] that she had married the
person [d] whom she had loved [d] 16
• Is a sentence which contains one dependent clause and one or more independent clauses. Eg.
• I admire him but he doesn’t admire me, although I try hard to improve
• If you come late, you will miss the exams and the teacher will punish you

NOTE that a section of a sentence containing words like when, that, who, whoever, whenever, which, etc is a dependentclause, and the sentence is a complex sentence
Chapisha Maoni