1487 - Bartholomew Diaz passes the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa 1497 - Vasco Da Gama reaches India, sent by Henry the Navigator of Portugal 1498 - Christopher Columbus discovers the sea route to America 1503 - Zanzibar attacked by the Portuguese 1505 - Portuguese explorer Francisco D’Almeida subdued Kilwa, Sofala and Mombasa 1507 - Mozambique becomes the headquarters of the Portuguese in East Africa 1580 - Sir Francis Drake became the first British man to round the cape 1593 - Fort Jesus is built by the Portuguese in Mombasa 1652 - Jan van Riebeeck establishes a Dutch post at the Cape of Good Hope 1698 - Capture of Fort Jesus by Arabs, Portuguese lose the fort 1698 - Zanzibar comes under control of the Sultan of Oman, Portuguese are defeated 1700 - The end of Portuguese dominance in East Africa 1776 - American Independence | 2 1789 - French Revolution 1800 - Coming of the Ngoni to East Africa 1807 - The British passed a law which abolished the slave trade by its subjects 1822 - A settlement for several thousands freed slaves was founded at Monrovia, Liberia 1822 - Moresby Treaty discussed 1840 - Sultan of Oman moves his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar 1846 - Johann Krapf opened the first mission station at Rabai in Mombasa 1859 - Darwin proposes the theory of evolution through natural selection 1870/1871 - Franco-Prussian war 1871 - Henry Stanley finds Dr. Livingstone near Lake Tanganyika 1873 - Slave market closed in Zanzibar 1875 - Discovery of gold in South Africa
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Chapisha Maoni