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      AUTHOR: BERNARD MAPALALA                                                
                                            SETTING:  WESTERN PART OF UGANDA
                                                  PUBLISHER: DAR-ES-SALAAM UNIVERSITY PRESS (DUP)
                                            YEAR:  2006
This is a symbolic title which reflects the catastrophe that attacked the member of the two families, Adyeri’s family and David’s family. They all passed away like a vanishing shadow, except only one member of Adyeri’s family (Abooki) who survived the pandemic.
The setting of novel “PASSED LIKE A SHADOW” is Western part of Uganda. The book was written during the end of Tanzania and Uganda war (1979).
A chronological arrangement of events in the story.  E.g. in “Passed like a shadow” the first chapter of the novel introduces Atwoki and Abooki. In chapter six and seven we are introduced to Atwoki as a famous footballer. Adyeri was brought back home serious sick, after few days he passes away. Atwoki becomes a victim; he wishes to die in Kitagwenda. The plot of this book is straight – forward narration.
He was the father of Atwoki and Abooki. He was a hot-tempered man and an irresponsible parent. He was a reputable womanizer. Due to his prostitution he was trapped by Birungi and at the end of the day he finds himself a victim. He passed away having passed through great suffering. His family isolated him and found himself  alone.
A short woman and very talkative. She was Atwoki and Abooki’s mother. She had a bad heart and could not forgive other people. A very responsible mother who fulfilled her duty as the mother of the family. She was not faithful in her marriage.
He was a talented footballer with expectations of becoming a superstar. He was a good lad and did not know the ways of the world. When he went to Kampala he was disfigured or persuaded by David to start engaging in sexual affairs with girls. He was a kind boy and forgave easily unlike his mother. He becomes a victim of HIV /AIDS  as a result of engaging with prostitutes or harlots  e.g Edda
She was kind and an introvert. She took care of her mother when she was seriously sick on bed. She was raped by John and lost her virginity. When she tested for HIV /AIDS and pregnancy, she had negative results. She was optimistic and a good adviser.
She was an orphan whose parents passed away long time ago. She tolerated mistreatment from her uncle and aunt but later on she ran away and got married to Aliganyira. She became a reputable prostitute as the result of peer pressure She was infected with HIV/AIDS and passed away.
Uncle Araali
He was a kind man who encouraged Atwoki to be a great footballer in future. He welcomed Abooki and Atwoki to live with them.
He was Vicky‘s husband. He was a famous business man. He was famous and he was a womanizer. He was very superstitious. At  the end, due to his prostitution he infected his wife (Vicky) with HIV.
Tusiime and Kunihira
They were Vicky’s friends.They were secondary school rejects. They were prostitutes who earned their daily bread through selling their bodies. They convinced Vicky to sell her body since she was poor and received unfair treatment from her uncle and aunt.
Atwoki’s friend in kampala. He was the only son from a rich family. He was a University reject. He was a reputable prostitute and when Atwoki visited him in kampala, he taught him how to hunt for women. He infected girls expressively knowing that he was infected with HIV/AIDS. At the end, David’s family perish completely with HIV/AIDS.
She was a reputable harlot in kampala. She succeeded to corner Atwoki and infected him with HIV/AIDS.
He was a boy from a rich family. He used the loop hole of helping Abooki to trap her. He raped her when the girl paid a visit to his room.
She was Adyeri’s secretary at St. Leo’s High School. She trapped Adyeri and cornered him. When he notices that Adyeri is bankrupt, she chased him away. At the end Birungi falls a victim of HIV/AIDS.
He was a counselor who used his knowledge of counseling to encourage Abooki. In the end, they fell in love.
Style is the technique used by the writer in writing his or her work. Style has to do with the ability of language by the writer,e.g. the use of figures of speech.  Simple or complex language used by writer.
  • Hyperbole:
E.g. -Abooki was in a nightmare.
Dad gave him a classic slap.
Amoti’s eye’s nearly popped out
  • Simile
Comparison of two objects which are unlike using “as” or “like”. e.g she walked towards him as a lioness (pg 3).
He was as humble as a dove (pg 8)
  • Sayings
    e.g. life is not easy (pg 9)
    I have hit the jackpot
    Men are like buses (pg 6)
  • Personification
Eg. Amoti’s eye’s nearly popped out (pg 8)
  • Idioms.
E.g. Amoti don’t have a hard heart (pg 28)
  • Imagination or imagery language  is an art of author to create an image
E.g. His eye‘s popped out of his face.
  • Symbols
Eg I regret to have married a pig
‘’Passed like a shadow’’ is a symbolic representation of how the disease kills many people all of a sudden. The following events and situations reveal the existence, causes and impact of the disease in the society. For example in the novel, Tusiime, Kunihira, and University students like David and grownups like Adyeri and David and Adyeri’s family perish as they contract HIV/AIDS.That shows that if youths are sexually irresponsible, they stand a high chance of being infected with HIV.
In the novel of “Passed like a shadow” poverty is a general situation of inability to get basic needs. It acts as a catalyst in the spread of AIDS. Due to this situation, some people especially girls look for men who are well off economically so that they may survive. Example Kunihira, Tusiime and someUniversity girls use this way as an alternative to get money. For example Kunihira tells Vicky, “look how poor your dress is, you must be the most poorly dressed girl in fort portal….” this shows the level of poverty affect individuals so that leads people to get HIV/AIDS.
The stability of a family brings peace, love, prosperity and success but when there is uncertainty, the family loses direction and stands at risk of breaking up. For example conflicts between parents or children and parent, parent irresponsibility, drunkardness, marriage unfaithfulness, job mishandling and HIV/AIDS. Family conflict: example Adyeri’s family breaks up due to this. He has poor relationship with his children and wife due to his harsh behavior and drunkardness. He ends up dying with HIV/AIDS and his family fell apart.
This shows the habit of not caring or thinking carefully about something. In this novel there are many events as we can see that Adyeri was a drunkard and unfaithful to his wife. That led him to have no time to care for his family as a result children received poor parental care.
Most couples are not faithful to each other as in ‘’Passed like a shadow ‘’Adyeri had many concubines, one of them being Birungi. Since he was unfaithful in marriage, he ended up bringing HIV/AIDS to his wife, Amoti. Aliganyira was not faithful and hence acquired the disease (HIV/AIDS) and infected his wife (Vicky).
There was a conflict in Adyeri’s family between Adyeri and his wife Amoti. Adyeri was a cruel and irresponsible father who was hated by his children Atwoki and Abooki. Amoti was not in good terms with Vicky and she caused her to run away from home. Adyeri ended up in stiff conflict with his ex-concubine, Birungi.
Amoti believed that Birungi, her husband’s concubine, had bewitched him. The drunkard men who used to drink together with Adyeri believed that Adyeri’s death was due to Slim. They had very little knowledge about the disease; hence there was a belief among people that the disease was based on witchcraft. It was abominable for a woman to ride a bicycle in this community as this was termed to be the sign of prostitution.
This refers to the place in which woman is placed in relation to men in a given society. In this novel, a woman is regarded as a tool for sexual pleasure by men. This was shown through Adyeri, David, David’s father, and Atwoki who had many sexual partners for pleasure. For example, David told Atwoki “these were not created for nothing ….if you can’t enjoy girls, then I wonder what else you can enjoy in this world.” They had careless behavior that they all perished of HIV/ AIDS. Women are treated as source of money to men; Adyeri demanded big bride price from Akena in order to marry her. Tusiime and Kunihira used their bodies to run commercial sex to men. Men bought them as commodities. Tusiime tells Vicky “as for me I will sleep with any man to make money, life is not easy. Beauty can make your life different. Put your love for sale….”
  • HIV/AIDS is dangerous.
  • Don’t trust anyone.
  • People are ignorant of HIV/AIDS or don’t know much about HIV/AIDS hence majority practices infidelity and prostitution.
  1. Discuss the essence of conflicts in the novel “Passed like a Shadow” and show the remedy the novelist suggests. How those conflicts help the novelist to reveal the society problems?
  2. By using the novel “Passed like a shadow”, discuss the functions of literature in our society.
  3. How have the writer of “Passed like a Shadow” used symbolism to present the intended message to the readers
  4. “Spread of HIV/AIDS is the product of society’s life style”. Referring to the novel “Passed like a Shadow” verify the above statement
  5. Marriage is considered to be an important social obligation in African societies; however, it sometimes leads the concerned parties into frustration. Show how true is the statement by referring to the reading you have read.

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